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Pet Flower Essence Care

Do you have a nervous pet? Are you looking for ways to calm your grump pooch? One way is to work with flower essence care.

Pet Flower Essence Care

Owners will be able to help solve many of the common behavioral issues that pets face at Holistic Veterinary Healing by using all-natural flower essence. If you live in one of the following areas, our expert flower essence care specialists can assist you! Our flower essence care service areas are as follows: Germantown, Bethesda, Rockville, Frederick, Gaithersburg, Poolesville, Boyds, Clarksburg, and Damascus are all nearby cities.


Pet Flower Essence Care

Flower Essence Care is an energy medicine with the use of the vibrational frequencies of flower essences made by putting flowers in water and exposing them to sunlight. Our bodies resonate at different frequencies and will respond to the flower frequencies when given in a clean mouth or in water or a milk product. They are commonly used for behavioral/emotional issues.

How does flower essence care work?

Flower essence therapy uses homeopathic flower essences, which will help pets with all sorts of natural elements. Through this therapy, your agitated pet will be able to relax and be soothed. A mix of calming and soothing ingredients will help in calming your pet.

Why should you choose this method?

The alternative to many natural methods is generally the use of chemicals or medications with strong side effects. Instead, by using flower essence care, you will be able to curb behavioral issues and soothe your pet using all-natural aromas.

What behavioral issues do these aromas solve?

When determining whether or not you should rely on flower essence care, you should look at the behaviors that this will be able to solve. These behaviors include:

  • Fear
  • Barking
  • Separation anxiety
  • Scratching
  • Biting
  • Travel

You can speak to your experienced flower essence care professional to determine the best aromas and mixtures that will work with your pet.