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Why Massage Is Good For Your Favorite Dog or Cat

by | Mar 13, 2023 | Blog

Pampering your pet is good. Pampering in a way that can be beneficial to him or she is something even the most conservative animal hospital can agree with. At holistic animal hospitals such as Holistic Veterinary Healing, pampering of this sort is not only accepted but promoted – particularly if the form it takes is massage.

Pet Massage
Pet massage is an adapted version of human massage. As such, it is more than petting. It can be a healing method recommended by a holistic animal hospital to address certain health issues. In fact, where joint problems are involved, pet massage can be an effective means of reducing pain. In many animal clinics, it has now become acceptable to recommend massage in conjunction with standard or conventional forms of veterinary treatment.

Why an Animal Hospital May Recommend Massage
Veterinarians are beginning to realize the benefits that result from a pet receiving a massage treatment. Like massage therapy for humans, pet massage therapy provides the recipient and even the giver, with certain compensations. At Holistic Veterinary Healing animal hospital, we know that massage therapy

  • Helps increase and improve the bond between pet and human
  • Allows both to spend some quality time together
  • Can help relieve stress and anxiety for both your pet and you
  • Is a means of relieving joint and other pains at least temporarily
  • Can help you find any suspicious lumps or growths before they become serious

Learning about Pet Massage
There are several ways you can discover how best to massage your canine or feline companion. Books are a readily available source plus you can easily find videos to purchase or watch on the internet. They can provide you with the basics. Ask the staff at Holistic Veterinary Healing to recommend any books or videos. In fact, we may suggest you first come in for an appointment.

There are advantages to having your pet receive treatment from a professional. A pet massage therapy professional can guide you through the treatment process making sure you understand exactly what to do. They will demonstrate the techniques that are best suited for your pet. In doing so, they can show you the points to avoid applying pressure on as well as how much pressure to use on your specific pet.

If you are interested in learning about the benefits of pet massage therapy, call 240-715-6570 for more details.