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The Benefits Of Pet Chiropractic Treatments

by | Mar 10, 2023 | Blog

There are many different styles of pet chiropractic treatments that can be used to help relieve tension and pressure, assist in recovery after accident, injury, or surgery, as well as to treat arthritis, musculoskeletal problems, and a variety of other health conditions. It is important if you are thinking of taking your pet to seek treatment that you find a pet chiropractor that is also a vet. This is essential as some issues may actually be related to serious health conditions such as cancers and neurological diseases that will need additional medical treatment and attention.

Specialized Types of Pet Chiropractic Treatments

Since dogs, cats, and other animals are not able to talk about where they are experiencing discomfort, it is important that the vet providing the treatment have a solid foundation in understanding the inner connectedness of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal structure. Network chiropractic is a system that recognizes that the spine is the major channel of energy through the body. Through the gradual reduction in tension and stress in the spine the body’s energy is able to move more freely, providing natural health and healing.

Another factor in network pet chiropractic techniques is for the vet to understand what part of the spine should be gently manipulated to allow the spine to naturally move into place. This is not the same as traditional types of chiropractic treatments can include more forceful manual twisting and manipulation.

Network pet chiropractic treatments are based on the principle that minimum force applied strategically alone to the spine will bring about the best possible results without any pain or discomfort to the pet.

How Do Pet’s Respond?

Pet chiropractic treatments are very pleasant for your pet and both dogs and cats will respond very well to the treatment. As it is a gentle, strategic touch with no manipulation or twisting the pet is very comfortable and relaxed throughout the whole session. They are not sedated or confined and most treatments are done with the pet standing.

Talk to your vet if you think that pet chiropractic may be helpful for your dog or cat. If your vet isn’t trained in the technique look for a vet that is but be sure to ask about their training, experience, and what techniques they will use.

We provide network pet chiropractic services at our office.