Embracing The Natural – Including Pet Bath Products
Too Much Choice?
When it comes to bath products, you have a choice. In fact, there is an absolute glut of products on the market directed at getting the coat of your pet clean, glossy, shiny, sleek, etc. You have shampoos that are:
- For dry skin
- To whiten the coat
- Keep the hair dark
- For fleas
- For ticks
- For conditioning
- To keep free from matted and knotted hair
- For aromatherapy
- For hot spots
If you talk to professionals in the veterinarian field or at a dog salon, the only thing they will probably agree on is to NOT use human products on your pet.
Natural Bath Pet Products
Today, chemicals are out. Natural products are in. This philosophy includes bathing products for your pet. The reasoning behind this new approach is simple: the removal of harmful chemicals from bathing products prevents irritation and potentially detrimental effects. You, as a responsible owner, are also reducing your pet’s environmental footprint by reducing your use of such products.
You should not, however, take this approach to mean any and all-natural products are to be placed in the same category. As is the case with identical human bath products, there are wide variances in quality and their “natural” qualities. You also tend to get what you paid for. The natural dog shampoo you buy from the dollar store, for example, is less likely to be of as high a quality and as natural as that you purchase from someone who specializes in such products.
The market for new pet products has always been a lucrative one. It attracts a wide range of producers. Many stores offer you the chance to purchase herbal, natural or even “Green” pet bathe products. Many companies now produce an entire line of dog and cat bath products. You can not only find regular natural shampoo but purchase vegan or vegetarian bath products. Just make sure the product contains the right pH level for your dog’s coats. You also need to consider the type of coat. A wired hair terrier requires a protein enhanced shampoo. Poodles and bichons need a shampoo that is milder.
When it comes to giving your pet a bath, the solution may not be simple. The amount of products currently available at even a grocery store can give pause. While it is true that natural products are usually best, make sure the products you purchase are suitable for your pet. Do your research, talk to a groomer and your veterinarian before you make the final decision.