Current Topics & News

While we continue to be concerned about the potential spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), we would like to assure you that we are doing what we can to limit exposure to protect our staff, our clients, and our patients.  Thus, each exam room is equipped with a Hepa Filter, and our hospital has a Phenomenal Aire™ Cold Plasma Generator technology filtering system.

Some of our new policies include:

  • During an appointment with a doctor:  We are allowing one person per family to accompany their pet into the exam room for their pet’s appointment.  Upon your arrival, text us to let us know that you are here and tell us which vehicle you are in.  An HVH assistant will come to your car and walk you directly to the exam room or to the scale and then the exam room.  When your appointment is over, payment will be collected, and you will be provided with any medications, supplements, or products that you purchased.  Your vet assistant will escort you outside through the side exit door.
  • The lobby remains closed.  
  • Masks are required.   
  • Technician appointments remain curbside.
  • Order items in advance:  Please contact the reception desk at least 48 hours prior to the time you would like to pick up refills or retail items. If you are planning on picking it up or having it shipped, please have your credit card ready for telephone pre-payment.  If you have an appointment scheduled, it will be ready for you at that time.
  • Picking up:  call upon your arrival and we will bring the items to you.


HVH preventive measures:

  • Any employee exhibiting symptoms of any illness will stay home
  • Frequent hand washing
  • Diffusing Young Living Thieves essential oils

We are doing what we can to stay healthy and strong and thus prevent illness by eating whole foods that support our immune systems, reducing stress in our lives, and getting plenty of rest. It is our hope that you are doing the same.

We appreciate your help in keeping everyone safe by staying home if you have any symptoms, have had exposure to someone with symptoms, or have recently been overseas. If you are compromised and your pet needs to be seen by one of the doctors, please have a family member or friend bring him/her to see us and the doctor can speak with you over the phone during the exam.

Currently, it does not appear that COVID-19 can be spread by companion animals, per the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). However, it’s always a good idea to wash your hands before and after caring for your pet.

The CDC recommends that those who are sick with COVID-19 limit contact with their pets, other animals, and people. They recommend that you have someone else in your household care for your pets if possible. If that is not possible, wear a face mask, wash hands, and limit the amount of close contact such as petting, snuggling, being kissed or licked, and sharing food. 

Dr. Deb Mallu

At this time, it is incumbent upon us all to practice patience and perform random acts of kindness.